
lørdag den 31. december 2011

Hægri læraralønir geva betri úrslit fyri næmingar

Greiður samanhangur er millum hvussu væl lærarar eru løntir í mun til onnur í einum landi, og hvussu góð úrslit næmingar í landinum fáa til altjóða royndir.

Peter Dolton og Oscar Marcenaro-Gutierrez hava granskað í tølum frá árligu Education at a Glance, sum OECD gevur út.

Henda mynd sum vísir ein samanhang, sum nevndu høvundar hava granskað nærri.

Teir taka soleiðis saman um:
Improving teachers’ pay improves their standing in a country’s income distribution and hence the national status of teaching as a profession. As a result of this higher status, more young people will want to become teachers. This in turn makes teaching a more selective profession and hence facilitates the recruitment of more able individuals. Higher status and higher pay are invariably linked but the two can provide separate driving forces to engineer better recruits to the profession. The key hypothesis is that better pay for teachers will attract higher quality graduates into the profession and that this will improve pupil performance.

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