
onsdag den 6. marts 2013

Stiglitz: Kreppan er nokk so óneyðug

Ein av fremstu búskaparfrøðingum í verðini, Joseph Stiglitz, vísir (í mai 2012) á, at eingin realbúskaparlig orsøk er til, at búskapurin skal framhaldandi vera er í kreppu:
Gone through the crisis... we should realize that the resources in our economy, in the United States, in Europe, today is the same as it was five years ago. We have the same human capital, the same physical capital, the same natural capital, the same knowledge... We have the same creativity that has led to the unprecedented increases in standard of living that the world has never seen before. So, we have all these strengths, they haven't disappeared. What has happened is, we're having a fight over claims, claims to resources. We've created more liabilities... but these are just paper. Liabilities are claims on these resources. But the resources are there. And the fight over the claims is interfering with our use of the resources. So, the point is the following: we should recognize that if we could only get our resources back to work, we ought to be back to prosperity. In fact, we ought to have more prosperity than we had before, because before our economy was distorted... by a bubble in the United States, by a financial sector that was overbloated... We had a distorted economy. So, today if we could only get our resources back to work in ways that enhance the well-being, to use the creativity of the citizens of Europe and America then we will have unprecedented prosperity.

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